Rix Petroleum (JR Rix & Sons)

Rix Petroleum (JR Rix & Sons)

Rix Petroleum Ltd is the largest subsidiary of J.R. Rix & Sons Ltd, a 5th generation family owned company which has a turnover in excess of £500 million and employs 500 people throughout the UK.


The Rix Petroleum website provides information for domestic, agricultural, commercial and retail customers as well as an innovative ‘instant quote and ecommerce tool’ that allows customers to purchase heating oil products through a secure platform whilst also providing tools for them to manage their online account.


The secure back-office functions provide a management tool for the Rix marketing department to produce online offers, discount codes and dedicated landing pages to deliver timely campaigns to customers throughout the calendar year.


Kuzu.Software have been our web development partner of choice since 2011 as they have over delivered on all web development projects we have working on over the years. Their understanding of the internet and modern technology is second to none and always grasp our objectives; no matter which part of the Rix group of companies it is for.


James Brook, Group Marketing Manager – JR Rix & Sons.